Wednesday, 27 July 2011


The Arunachaleswara Temple of this place is one of the largest temple in south India. situtated at the foot a hill. It covers an area of 25 acres.
The Arunachaleswara temple is dedeicated to Tejo Lingam or Jyothi Lingam. Hence much significance is attached to Thiruvannamalai as one of the Pancha Bhutha Sthalas. The main gopuram is 200 feet and 13 storeys high. The nine imposing gopurams of the temple are a magnificient sight.
Once Brahma and Vishnu misguidedly argued about which of them was greater, and went to Lord Shiva to settled their debate. The latter appered before them as a pillar of fire, and declared that whichever of them was able to find either his beginining or end was greater.
Vishnu went downwards into the earth and Brahama flew upwards into space, but no matter how far they traveled they could not find the base or the crest of the Lingam of fire. Both lost their arrogance and bowed before Lord Shiva. The pillar of fire became the hill of Arunachala Natural Lingam.

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